serious running: trail running, races, shoe reviews

Express Yourself while You Run

posted by Chris Barber


All runners are different.  Some runners concentrate on speed and exact distances while others may focus on building a base by running long distances, with little emphasis on the pace.  Some runners constantly have a scowl on their face while others prefer to smile and waive at the other runners they pass.  I am a waiver, but on my faster paced runs waiving can be difficult.  So I thought about how could express myself when I am on these kind of runs.  I decided that since upper body running gear may be almost any type of clothing that I should use T-shirts to express myself while I run.  After doing some extensive research, here are some of my favorite shirts quotes I found:

“Stop playing with your balls, run.” -contains a picture of a football, basketball, and baseball

“You wouldn’t like me if I didn’t run.”

“Runner’s don’t get rained out, they get rained on.”

“I run like a girl, just try to keep up with me.”

“Never knock on Death’s door…ring the bell and run, he hates that.”

“If I didn’t run I’d feel like you do.”

“In my mind I’m Kenyan.”

“While running is it rude to count the number of people you pass out loud?”

“If I don’t get a Runner’s High, there’s always a plan B.” -with a picture of a draft beer

So express yourself while you run no matter what your mood is.  If you want to express how Serious you are about running, then please go to  There are some pretty shirts available.

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