I like “being in the zone” just as much as anyone else, but we all need to challenge ourselves in order to learn and grow. When I am “in the zone” you will usually find me on the basketball court, on the golf course, or maybe even conversing with someone of the opposite sex. If you want to find me “zoning out” just look to my comfortable leather couch and no further. I’m probably watching some pointless reality show; but enjoying it nonetheless. So obviously there are many types of zones to be in but today I am challenging you to get out of a zone; your comfort zone?. Where is your comfort zone? Check somewhere “inside the box.”
Every time I go for a run over 10 miles I try to run somewhere new. Whether I am starting from my house or traveling by car to a trail-head, I try to experience a new environment on my run. This weekend it only took 4 miles from my house to get out of my comfort zone. I ran to a lower socioeconomic area of town early on a Sunday morning where I did not see one person that was the same race as I. Being around people that don’t look like you is one way to get out of your comfort zone. Here are some of the things that I noticed in this zone that I was not used to: a quick handshake on a corner with the two parties retreating quickly in opposite directions, presumably an illegal transaction. A makeshift soup-kitchen which consisted of a van, a couple of tables, and huge metal container of soup in an empty parking lot with a lot of people happily being served. A man yelling at a woman walking behind him in a crosswalk saying, “I’m yelling at you because you won’t hurry up. I’m late to go see my girl!” She responded with, “I wouldn’t be walking this slow if you hadn’t gotten me pregnant, (explicit name)!” She looked to be about 8 months pregnant so was understandably walking slowly. So what does this mean? It means that in order for us to grow and understand ourselves we must go out of our comfort zones and experience things we may not ever experience.
Running can take you out of your comfort zone. Not necessarily by traveling to a different place than you are used to but the fact that you are constantly pushing yourself and challenging yourself to achieve new things you have never attempted. Every time you think about slowing down but instead keep running is moving outside of your comfort zone. People generally put a lot of effort into keeping their lives constant, but I challenge you to push closer to the edges of “your box.” I’m always trying to stay edgy, that’s why I watch MTV sometimes to see what the kids are up to. You have to make a conscious effort to break down your comfort walls. Although I am a strict proponent of running, try starting with changing up your exercise routine with other activities other than running. Better yet, try other exercises while still visiting seriousrunning.com and reading this blog daily! Talk about edgy!
Just like we strive to diversify our investment portfolios (I’m risk-loving so I don’t adhere to this mantra) and our diets we need to diversify our exercise. I know what you are thinking, ‘I run 5ks and marathons. I diversify my work-outs.’ Sorry, that doesn’t count running man. While running is great for the overall health of your body, it does puts stress on the same joints and builds particular muscles more than others. That is why I recommend adding some other activities to your training. Some suggestions are mountain biking, hiking, or kayaking to work out different muscles which will actually help to improve your running. If you are an avid runner, I understand, try changing your running patterns by running on more trails or running steps. Obviously, I think just by running a different route you are getting outside of you comfort zone so try that at the very least. Exercising outside of your comfort zone prevent injuries (unless you fall off your mountain bike or something) and will leave your body more balanced. Now you don’t have to drink as much V8! Sweet!
Please stop being a square (box) and become a well rounded individual like our ancestors, the original “Renaissance People.” No, I don’t mean showing your wealth by being rounded (fat) or eating so much that you throw up because you can afford to. Don’t waste food, there’s soup kitchens in parking lots!