Posts Tagged ‘New Years resolution’

Internal Motivation for Running: Running Log

Friday, March 6th, 2009

“You have to wonder at times what you’re doing out there. Over the years, I’ve given myself a thousand reasons to keep running, but it always comes back to where it started. It comes down to self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement.”
– Steve Prefontaine

I had a friend ask me about whether or not she should participate in a training group that meets at a park five days a week at 6 am.  She said it was to “force” and “motivate” her to get up and exercise.  I quickly reminded her that she was already a member of TWO gyms plus had access to one at her apartment complex!  Joining another fitness organization wasn’t going to give her that extra push to roll out of bed at 5:30 am.  It must come from within.  Motivation can’t be forced.  As an Army Officer leading 30 young men I learned that you get a much better effort from individuals if you are able to motivate them.  This was my main goal.  To inspire others to follow me; not force them.

The same goes for your running.  You need internal motivation to achieve your goals.  While joining a running group or going to a gym are both great ways to socialize and exercise with other like-minded and fit individuals, they are not going to force you to push yourself.  You can attend class but only you can make yourself listen and digest the material.  Running, exercising, and eating healthy have to become a lifestyle.  The fact is, you don’t have to come up with ways to hide your vegetables anymore.  Your Mom let’s you decide what you want to eat now!  It is up to you to decide which and how many veggies you want to eat.  I chose to eat very little but I’m fine with that.  It’s my decision.  Be comfortable in your lifestyle choices and don’t complain about the ones that you don’t make.  I know, we are all busy and have other commitments but let’s be honest, those are all just excuses to live the lifestyle that you choose.  If you want to make a change then you just have to resolve to do it.  Resolve to run.  Happy New Years!

It’s alright if you just have an internal spark but don’t have the fire in your belly yet; although it would probably be the size of a bonfire judging by the size of your belly.  Seriously, you need to get out and run.  If people making fat jokes about you does not douse your internal flame enough then try keeping a running log.  This is a great way to keep you accountable.  Keeping people accountable.  Where have I heard that lately?  Oh yeah, on CNBC.  A running log is great because running is quantifiable which makes it easy to compare and see the progress you’ve made…or not made if you haven’t been pushing yourself.  There are a lot of different tools on the Internet for training logs but I wouldn’t start up any program at this point; a pretty awesome one is coming to  All of the other programs out there are for jerks anyways.  Just use a pen and paper for now and we’ll make our logs available as soon as possible.  Wait.  What am I saying?  You don’t own a pen and paper.  Better yet; start tracking your program in excel, that way you can just insert your data into your very own training log on  See, we’re here to help you.  You’re welcome.

So make your March 6th resolution.  Resolve to run.  Warm weather and skimpy outfits are coming soon.  Don’t you want to be ready?  Just don’t drink too much water when you’re out there running; you don’t want to put out that internal flame.  Build yourself a bonefire…in your chest.  You won’t have a belly much longer!

New Years Resolutions to Run

Monday, December 15th, 2008

I was recently speaking with one of my friends the other day who said, “My New Year’s resolution this year is the same as last, to lose weight.”  Of course I laughed out loud at my friend’s obvious irony.  I told him what he needed was a more concrete, realistic goal.  If weight loss was the only thing he wanted to achieve, then set a goal in pounds, but then I began to think, “Is weight loss really what he is looking for?”  I think too many of us set weight loss goals in pounds lost and ignore all of the other positive attributes we gain from being in better shape.  Whether it be walking up a couple of flights of stairs without losing our breath or looking better in our clothes, weight loss doesn’t have to be all about the weight.  So I decided instead of a weight loss resolution my friend should just make a “Resolve to Run.”  I then quickly created a group on facebook at to see if others would get behind my cause.  Feel free to join this movement!

I consider myself a serious runner, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have to constantly set goals to challenge myself in running.  In order to get behind my own movement I have decided to set a goal this year to qualify for the Boston marathon.  This past year I ran a marathon in which I finished 14 minutes over the qualifying time for Boston.  So I would say this is a lofty but very achievable goal for me.  Wish me luck and I’ll keep you posted on my progress on this blog.

So why get behind Resolve to Run instead of simply to run instead of lose weight?  I’ve found that there is no better way to lose weight and burn calories than to run. I’m not a doctor, but I am a dude who went from 185 to 155 pounds about two years ago and have kept it off! It is simple. No matter what television commercials say or what you tell yourself, the bottom line is: The only way to get the most effective use of your workout is to “beat the street” (or trail). You WILL burn calories. Along with the weight loss benefits you will become more fit overall. You’ll even become more mentally fit, running is the best stress reliever I’ve ever found. Running just makes you feel good. Don’t you want to feel good?

If you Resolve to Run you will stick with it for the whole year. The main reason is because you are able to give yourself positive feedback along the way. Every time you finish a run you feel a sense of accomplishment. Set your goal to run a certain amount every week and then challenge yourself to improve upon that. You will improve. Another great way to get a sense of accomplishment is to make that race you’ve always wanted to run your goal. Honestly, I’ve accomplished many things in my life that I can be very proud of (like being a contestant on the “Price is Right” Bob Barker era), but finishing a marathon ranks in my top five accomplishments for sure. Shoot, I even have it on my resume under interests! Maybe your Resolve to Run will land you a new job. Hey, anything helps in an economy like this one. Did I mention running is free?

So this New Years make a goal you can keep, Resolve to Run. You’ll lose weight, feel healthier, and maybe even accomplish something you can hang your hat on for years to come. So get out there and just RESOLVE TO RUN!  Finishing time this past March at the National Marathon in DC