serious running: trail running, races, shoe reviews

Teton Dam Marathon and Races – Rexburg, Idaho

posted by Chris Barber


The Teton Dam Marathon and Races will be held on June 13th in Rexburg, Idaho this year.  Why June 13th?  Well, the event is scheduled every year around the anniversary of the Teton Dam breaking which caused over 500 million dollars in damage, 11 lives lost, and thousands to become homeless.  This horrible event was a very difficult challenge for the Rexburg community to overcome.  They worked together, built the community back up, and are stronger now because of it.  The Teton Dam Marathon and Races are a showing of a thousand runners who flood the streets for their own personal challenges!  What an inspirational reason to challenge yourself to participate in this great event!  Need another reason to feel good about yourself?  How about that a portion of the proceeds is also going to benefit Cysitic Fibrosis Fondation?  Still need another reason to feel good about yourself?  Well, you are helping me achieve me goals by reading this blog.  Thank you.  Need another reason?!  Um…ok, now you’re just being needy.

The Teton Dam Marathon and Races include a marathon (that’s why it is in the name of the event), 6 man marathon relay, half marathon, 10K, 5K, and 1 mile fun run for the kids.  See, there’s a race fit for everyone!  The marathon and relay will start at the Historical Teton Dam Site, outside of Rexburg. The half and 10K will start at the north-west corner of Smith Park. The 5K will start at the corner of Madison Ave. and 1st North, ½ a block from Smith Park. The fun run will start at the south-west corner of Smith Park.  Overall, all races will run the streets of beautiful Rexburg ending in the Southwest corner of Smith Park.  Party at the EXPO at the finish line with booths from sponsors and local businesses, crafts, food, and music!  Not to mention a large group of homestretch hereos, the citizens and volunteers of the Rexburg community!

So come and travel to this great race with a small town, community feel with an exciting large race atmosphere!  Early Registration ends May 31st.  From June 1st-10th all entries have an added $15 fee so get on it now.  The marathon is $40 dollars to $3 to the kids one mile fun run.  Check out the prices and find which race is best for you!  FYI The Potato Bake Dinner ticket is free only with the marathon, half-marathon, and relay entries.  Participate in the Potato Bake Dinner and meet other runners, pick-up your packet, listen to race information, and watch a video about the historic breaking of the Teton Dam.  What better way to get motivated to achieve your personal best than an inspirational film and plenty of carbs?!  Nothing.  Be Dam Proud!

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