serious running: trail running, races, shoe reviews

Running Through the Marathon Wall

posted by Chris Barber

You’ve heard of “hitting the wall” in a Marathon, but why don’t you “run through the wall?”  I know, usually if you hit a wall you want to go over it or around it, but when running a Marathon you need to run right through it.  Don’t worry about what is on the other side or how bad it is going to hurt.  Just think like a Marine by not thinking and charge right through the wall.  Don’t even look for a door.  Doors are for the Air Force.


During a Marathon you’ll typically hit the wall between mile 18-20 and it may last until mile 22-25.5.  That’s almost as long as the Great Wall over there in China!  The fact is, everyone hits the wall, the difference is how you push through it.  The “wall distance” is a great place to pick up time and pass your competitors.  They’re probably just waiting until they find the door to the wall.  Doors are for suckers.

The first thing to do when you feel the wall is to find someone else this is running a pace a little faster than yours and draft off of them.  Sit behind them the whole time you are feeling your wall.  Pacing off of someone else is a perfect way to not let your mind start thinking about the wall and slowing down.  Drafting will also give you that little extra boost your need by cutting down the wind resistance.  Why is wind always resistant?

During the wall is a great time to get the nutrients and hydration you need.  You may have slowed down your pace a bit so take this opportunity to grab everything you need at the water stations.   After fueling up you’ll feel rejuvenated and be ready to make your final push to the finish!

The hardest part of the wall is the mental aspect.  It’s best to not think about the wall.  We all know there is a wall, you’ve known for 18 miles that it was going to come, but that doesn’t mean you need to think or worry about it.  Put yourself on cruise control.  Just sit behind someone with a good pace and cruise.  You’ll know when you feel the end is near and its time for that last gear….to run as fast as a dear, with your vision so clear, and your mouth salivating for a carbo loaded beer.
