serious running: trail running, races, shoe reviews

Archive for January, 2011

Twin Mountain Trudge Trail Race turns Epic (5 of 5)

Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

twin-mountain-trudge-inside-of-snow-shelterHawaiian Shirt Ray shares how his Epic experience ended up:

The temperature inside the shelter was warmer than the outside temperature but was still very cold.  I knew that I could not fall asleep so I set my alarm on my watch to go off every 30 minutes.  To stay warm I did sit-ups and moved my legs and toes vigorously.  At this point I knew that I would survive the night but I was going to be miserable.  I knew that as the temperature dropped that I would start shivering uncontrollably and that I might lose toes to frostbite, but I would survive.

The Rescue Finally Came

As I laid in my shelter trying to keep warm I heard in the distance two snow mobiles.  I did not want to immediately punch out of my shelter just in case they did not come close because I would then have to reseal myself in and I would lose the little heat that I had generated.  To my relief they came right to my shelter and stopped in front of my ski poles.  It was Search and Rescue and the Sheriff.

When I came out of my shelter they did not think I was the person they were looking for since I was still a functioning twin-mountain-trudge-inside-snow-shelterperson and seemed to be fine.  They asked me if I’m the person that needed to be rescued and after I gave them my name they were convinced I was the right guy.  I have a feeling they were thinking they were on a body recovery mission and not on a real rescue mission.  Once we were back to the start/finish line they made a comment that they have never had such an easy rescue.

The Bottom Line – Be Prepared, Always

My epic adventure could have turned out to have a really sad ending.  Because I took the seriousness of the adventure event and Alec’s advice I was prepared and survived my epic ordeal.  I saw other runners that took less than the minimum requirements set by Alec.  If they would have gotten lost their Epic tale would have been of a recovery and not a rescue.  If you are not educated on survival skills you should not even think about attempting The Trudge.  If you are not willing to take the proper gear because it will weight you down and you are more concerned with “racing” you should not think about attempting The Trudge.  Unfortunately I see people going into the wilderness unprepared all the time and my friends in Search and Rescue are the most frustrated with the people who are not prepared.  Don’t be one of those unprepared people.

Twin Mountain Trudge Trail Race turns Epic (4 of 5)

Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

twin-mountain-trudge-snow-shelterWhat was Going Through My Mind

Here is a checklist that was going through my mind:  First, I needed to stop moving since I did not know where on the course I was.  Making the decision to stay in one place gave me the direction of what I needed to do until I am rescued.  Plus, it is mountaineering 101 to stay in one place and have the rescue party find you.  Second, Josh and I are the only runners doing a second lap and when Josh comes in Alec will ask him where he past me on the course.  Josh will respond, “I didn’t pass Ray” and with this they will know I am lost.  Third, Alec would not leave any runner on the course.  Fourth, I knew it took Alec about 6 hours to mark the course.  This meant that I needed to stay safe for 6 to 8 hours before I could expect anyone to find me.

The bottom line in all my thoughts was not to panic and make any stupid decisions, and to stay calm.  By going over my checklist I had a rational plan that I would be rescued and this gave me a sense of reassurance.  However, it was most likely going to be a long time before they found me with no guarantees that I would be able to hike out on my own.

My Plan of Action

Since I made the decision to stay where I was, I was going to need a shelter to combat the high winds and snow.  The task of building a shelter gave me a focus and kept me from panicking.  No matter what, I needed a shelter.  What would happen if for some reason they could not find me and I had to stay out overnight in temperatures that would be in the low teens.  I decided that not only would I build the shelter for the short-term, but I also mentally prepared myself that I might have to stay out overnight.

I started building my shelter’s frame with branches and sticks.  I built it about 10 feet off the Trudge course so it would be easier to find.  The snow was like champagne powder and was not ideal for building a shelter.  I used my poncho as part of the wall facing the wind to help give my shelter the most protection.  I was beyond exhausted building my shelter, but what kept me going was that by building it I was keeping warm, and that I MUST have a shelter if I wanted to survive through the night.  After over 6 hours my shelter was ready.  By this point I had been in the cold, wind, and snow for over 13 hours.

I took my ski poles, crossed them over each other and stuck them standing up the snow on the trail in an “X”.  This was a signal that my shelter was here and that I am inside.  I could not take the chance that I would stay conscious and needed a piece of mind to know that rescuers would see the poles and explore the area and find me.  I was ready to take refuge in my shelter, crawled in and barricaded myself inside.  For those of you who have never made a shelter out of snow, it is extremely important that you leave air holes, otherwise you can suffocate and die from asphyxiation.  On the ground of my shelter I put sage brush and pine branches so I would not be lying directly on the snow.  I put on the extra clothes that I brought and then laid on top of my running backpack and the plastic bag that I used to pack my clothes in.

Read More to find out if Hawaiian Shirt Ray made it out alive.  Well, of course he did, he didn’t send me this story from the wifi connection in his shelter…

Twin Mountain Trudge Trail Race turns Epic (3 of 5)

Tuesday, January 25th, 2011

2011-twin-mountain-trudge-trail-raceThe first two posts Hawaiian Shirt Ray shared were how he was prepared for the Twin Mountain Trudge.  Now you’ll find out why it was a good thing he was prepared…

My Trudge and How it Became Epic

As you can see I was well prepared and mentally and physically ready to start The Trudge.  From last year’s Trudge I found that many of the 22 mile runners would start to really slow down on the second lap.  My strategy was that the adventure really doesn’t start until the second lap and I would use the first lap to keep fueled and stay hydrated.  I set my watch to go off every 30 minutes to remind me to eat a few mouthfuls of food.  Then on the hour I would take two salt tablets (they are not just for running in the heat).  Plus, as I mentioned earlier I wanted to drink the entire 80 ounces of fluid that I carried.

My first lap went just as planned and I was feeling great.  Upon my return to the start/finish area I had a cup of warm broth, refilled my hydration pack with another 80 ounces of fluid, and was ready to go out for my second lap.

At this point Josh Fuller and Jen Malmberg tried to talk me out of going out for my second lap.  I came to find out that twin-mountain-trudge-trail-racenobody was willing to tough it out for a second lap.  It took me about 3 hours and 25 minutes to go 6 miles!  That’s how tough it was.  With this, Josh couldn’t let me be the only runner going for a second lap and got his gear together and took off with me.

The second lap was actually “easier” to run since all the other runners had trampled the trail down.  I still was prepared that my second lap would take me at least 4 hours to complete.  Having a target on my back and Josh chasing me down made me run a lot more of the course than the first lap.

The Spiral into an Epic Adventure

I was still following my set plan of eating every 30 minutes, taking salt tablets every hour, and staying hydrated.  My goal at this point was to stay out of the sights of Josh.  Mentally I wanted him to turn every corner, come to every meadow, and start the long climbs without him being able to see me.  I was able to do this and I started thinking about how it was going to feel to come in first place under such challenging conditions.  I started thinking about the dinner all of us were going to go to after the race and all the stories that we would tell about our adventures out on the course.

Well, during all my day dreaming I missed the cutoff to head back to the start/finish line and ended up starting to run a third lap.  I did not realize I missed the cutoff until things started to look familiar, like I have already run this section.  I decided to backtrack to the last intersection.  When I got there I was thinking this is where the cutoff was supposed to be and it wasn’t.  I decided to start running forward again and went a little further than the first time.  This time I knew for sure that I missed the cutoff.  What really solidified this reasoning is that if I was on the correct part of the course I would have ran into Josh, and I didn’t.

I was already tired, and now I just wasted more energy running the wrong direction twice.  I really started to feel tired around 6 hours into the race and by this time I have already been out for about 7 hours.  I started back tracking again and by now it was getting dark.  Being prepared, I put my headlamp on and started backtracking.  It seemed that I was backtracking further than I needed to.  I have to admit, I had a little panic at this point but quickly regained my composure.  Check out what happens next.

Twin Mountain Trudge Trail Race Turns Epic (2 of 5)

Tuesday, January 25th, 2011

2011-twin-lakes-trail-race-hawaiin-shirt-rayHere’s how Hawaiian Shirt Ray prepared for the Twin Mountain Trudge Trail Race.

How I Prepared for the Trudge


I knew what I was signing up for when I entered the Trudge again this year.  Beacuse I knew I was in for a long tough day I started out eating a hearty breakfast of:  2 breakfast burritos, a large smoothie, banana bread (see my banana bread recipe), and a few cups of coffee.  For the race I had packed two chicken sandwiches, two chicken and rice burritos, pretzels, and granola bars.  Plus, I planned on eating hot soup at the start/finish aid station before running my second lap.


For hydration I carried 80 ounces of energy drink on each lap.  Yes, that is a total of 160 ounces for a 22 mile race.  My plan for the event was to drink the entire 80 ounces each lap.  This event is a Trudge and it takes double if not more effort to run the same distance on dry trails.

What some people do not realize is that when it is is cold outside you still need to drink and eat as much as you would during a warmer day.  For distance runners, dehydration can complicate and accelerate the onset of hypothermia.  Remember, that when the temperature outdoors is lower than your body temperature, you will give up heat to the environment.  Your natural metabolism is usually enough to maintain your core body temperature.  However, when conditions become extreme your body’s metabolism may not be able to protect you from heat lose.  The result is hypothermia.  Staying hydrated helps your natural metabolism to regulate your body’s temperature (see my story Cold Weather Running).


I came ready for any conditions.  I signed up for two laps and I came prepared to run nothing less than two laps.  Once I was at the start/finish line I assessed what gear I was going to take with me on each loop.

Here is what I took:  a running backpack with a hydration system, arm warmers, neck gaiter, ear warmers, extra wool hat, chapstick, salt tablets, ginger, Tums, Imodium tablets, Acetaminophen (not Ibuprofen), toilet paper, plastic rain poncho, sunglasses, Photo ID, long sleeve wicking shirt, wicking vest, wind jacket, ski poles, Gore-Tex jacket, headlamp with fresh batteries, and a plastic bag to put my clothes in to keep them dry.

Yes, I carried all that gear plus my food and water.

What I Wore

A Hawaiian Shirt; heck it’s an extra layer (fashionable, not too functional), a long sleeve wicking shirt, a long sleeve resistant full frontal zipper jersey, wicking underwear, mittens, running tights, over the tights a waterproof and windproof shell, running shoes, neoprene socks, neoprene shoe covers, hiking gaiters, and micro spikes.

Read more tomorrow to find out why Hawaiian Shirt Ray was glad he had all this gear.

Twin Mountain Trudge Trail Race Turns Epic (1 of 5)

Monday, January 24th, 2011

2011-twin-lakes-race-hawaiian-shirt-rayOur friend Hawaiian Shirt Ray wanted to share another race story with us.  Thanks Ray!

I would like the thank Alec Muthig, Josh Fuller, Nate, Josh Artery, Ted, the entire Twin Mountain Trudge Crew who stayed late into the night until I was safe and Search & Rescue.  Without all of your help my Epic adventure could have had a very sad ending.

The 2011 Twin Mountain Trudge Turns Epic

Epic is the term that mountain climbers use when they talk about a climb that went wrong.  The party got lost, gear was dropped, days being snowbound in a tent, destroyed camps, or even death.  This year’s Twin Mountain Trudge turned into an epic day for me and all involved in the race.  Just like on a good climbing day, everything starts out fine and then slowly the situation begins to deteriorate.  Some epic tales have a good ending while others do not.  When things start to go bad and the situation begins to become dire, will you be ready to survive?

I am writing about my epic Twin Mountain Trudge because I want to share my experience with you so you can also be prepared for when things turn epic.  I am very experienced in mountaineering, back country adventures, and ultra racing.  Through the years I have never had any of my adventures turn epic, but I am always prepared just in case they do.  And I sure did not think that the Twin Mountain Trudge would have turned into my first Epic adventure.  Take for instance that I always carry a full first-aid kit with me when I hike.  I have been lucky and in over 15 years of hiking in the Colorado Rockies and elsewhere I have never used it.  Does that mean that I should stop taking it?  Of course not.

The Twin Mountain Trudge (aka The Trudge)

This was my second year running the Twin Mountain Trudge.  The Trudge has an 11 mile race and a 22 mile race which is two of the 11 mile laps.  Here is a quote from Alec Muthig’s email about this year’s race:  “The conditions this year could very well prove to be the worst we’ve seen for this race…I NEED to stress that this is an “adventure” event and not a typical trail run.  You need to try to be self sufficient.  We will have a minimal aid station on the course, but you should carry enough for a long, tough outing.  My guess is that the fastest single loop will be around 2.5 hours, with the others being out for over 5 hours…yes, for the single loop.  Please be prepared to be out that long and please plan on emergency situations.  If you get injured it will be quite a bit of time before we can get in a pull you out on a sled.  Will you be able to not go hypothermic in the time it takes us to get to you?  While only 11-12 miles, this truly a backcountry adventure.  Please be prepared.”

This is a serious adventure event and should not be taken lightly.  It is in Wyoming in the middle of winter through tough and challenging terrain.  This year I once again signed up for the 22 mile race and I know firsthand from last year’s race that Alec is 100 percent serious about the conditions and the need to be properly prepared.  This year my preparedness was put to the test…Read More to find out how.

Merrell’s True Glove Minimalist Trail Running Shoe Review

Friday, January 21st, 2011

merrells-mens-true-glove-minimalist-trail-running-shoeThis past year I went to Outdoor Retailer and got a sneak peek at Merrell’s new minimalist trail running collection from one of their representatives.  If you like what you read here about the True Glove then you may want to check out what I found out about the other new minimalist trail running shoes in Merrell’s collection:  Trail Glove and Tough Glove for Men; and Pace Glove, Power Glove, and Pure Glove for Women.  Find which one best fits you your running style…like a glove!

The Merrell Barefoot collection is made to allow minimalist runners’ feet to follow their natural instincts.  They are uniquely designed to engage the feet efficiently, avoid injury, and strengthen your body’s core.  The collection is the best minimalist trail running shoes I’ve seen and the True Glove is my favorite shoe in the collection.  The True Glove upper is made of a sheepskin leather.  Sheepskin makes true glove feel so much better, and safer!  The sheepskin is the reason that the true glove is the lightest in Merrell’s minimalist trail running collection.  Even though it is light, the upper wraps well around the foot because of Merrell’s Omni-Fit lacing system, pretty much the reason these shoes can be called gloves.  The True Glove supposedly also has a footbed treated with Merrell’s antimicrobial solution which I was told resists odor but that’s hard to believe in a minimalist trail running shoe; one that usually is run in without socks through water, mud, and everything else.

The midsole and outsole has a 4 mm cushioning in it, just enough for a semi-soft landing while still allowing for the minimalist trail running feel.  The part I like most about the sole is the 1 mm forefoot shock absorption plant which helps maintain forefoot flexibility and protects the foot by distributing pressure.  The True Glove is the first minimalist trail running shoe I’ve seen that has taken into account that minimalist runners run on their toes.  In fact, Merrell also told me that they would be providing instructions on minimalist running techniques with every pair they sell of their minimalist trail running shoe collection; like a manual for a car.  I think this is a great idea because I’ve heard of too many injured runners throwing on minimalist running shoes without changing their technique and further injuring themselves.  The sole is made of a rubber compound TC-1.  What does that mean exactly?  I don’t know, but I trust any sole made by Vibram.

Check them out in February of 2011.

Merrell’s Tough Glove Minimalist Trail Running Shoe Reveiw

Wednesday, January 19th, 2011

merrell-mens-tough-glove-minimalist-trail-running-shoesThis past year I went to Outdoor Retailer and got a sneak peek at Merrell’s new minimalist trail running collection from one of their representatives.  If you like what you read here about the Tough Glove then you may want to check out what I found out about the other new minimalist trail running shoes in Merrell’s collection:  Trail Glove and True Glove for Men; and Pace Glove, Power Glove, and Pure Glove for Women.  Find which one best fits you your running style…like a glove!

Merrell’s Tough Glove is somewhat similar to the other minimalist trail running shoes in the collection.  It is made so your feet and legs can follow their natural instincts, giving them the room to flow.  The Tough Glove is the heaviest shoe in the collection.  It does have an uber-lightweight upper with a stabilizing rubber foot sling from Vibram which protects your underfoot from pointy rocks; however, it doesn’t have the toe protection that Merrell’s other minimalist trail running shoes do.  Maybe that’s why they call it Tough Glove…

The upper is made of a synthetic leather and air mesh which gives a looser feel than the other shoes in the collection.  This shoe is for runners who absolutely want to give their feet the freedom of movement when trail running.  The Omni-Fit lacing system that Merrell owns still makes the shoe fit snug enough to be considered a “glove.”  It does have a toe bumper for some durability, but it’s not as heavy duty as the other Merrell minimalist shoes.  There is rubber in the rear of the shoe too, but this is more for easily slipping them on, while giving your heel a tight feeling, rather than for protection.  The Tough Glove supposedly also has a footbed treated with Merrell’s antimicrobial solution which I was told resists odor but that’s hard to believe in a minimalist trail running shoe; one that usually is run in without socks through water, mud, and everything else.

The Vibram midsole and outsole are the same on all of Merrell’s minimalist trail running shoe collection but in case this is your first read:

The midsole and outsole has a 4 mm cushioning in it, just enough for a semi-soft landing while still allowing for the minimalist trail running feel.  The part I like most about the sole is the 1 mm forefoot shock absorption plant which helps maintain forefoot flexibility and protects the foot by distributing pressure.  The Trail Glove is the first minimalist trail running shoe I’ve seen that has taken into account that minimalist runners run on their toes.  In fact, Merrell also told me that they would be providing instructions on minimalist running techniques with every pair they sell of their minimalist trail running shoe collection; like a manual for a car.  I think this is a great idea because I’ve heard of too many injured runners throwing on minimalist running shoes without changing their technique and further injuring themselves.  The sole is made of a rubber compound TC-1.  What does that mean exactly?  I don’t know, but I trust any sole made by Vibram.

Yeah, I do feel weird quoting myself but you never know who your audience is on the Internet.  The Tough Glove is perfect for runners who want the closest thing to the barefoot running feel without baring it all.  It is also a great shoe for minimalist runners who run 90% road and 10% trail and want a hybrid shoe.  So for the Glove of God, check out Merrell’s new collection which comes out in February 2011, we’d love to hear what everyone else thinks of them!

Merrell’s Trail Glove Mens Minimalist Trail Running Shoe Review

Tuesday, January 18th, 2011

merrell-minimalist-trail-running-shoe-trail-glove This past year I went to Outdoor Retailer and got a sneak peek at Merrell’s new minimalist trail running shoe collection.  Pictured to the left is the Men’s Trail Glove Minimalist Trail Running Shoe which is scheduled to hit stores in February of 2011.  Get ready!  If you like what you read here about the Trail Glove then you may want to check out what I found out about the other new minimalist trail running shoes in Merrell’s collection:  Tough Glove and True Glove for Men; and Pace Glove, Power Glove, and Pure Glove for Women.  Find which one best fits you your running style…like a glove!

The Merrell representative told me that the reason Merrell got into the minimalist trail shoe movement is because their company’s core values are to bring customers to find their outside freedom and the Trail Glove lets runners’ feet follow their natural instincts to that freedom.  How philosophical.  Merrell teamed up with Vibram to fuse together their knowledge of barefoot running with Merrell’s knowledge of outdoor footwear.  The biggest difference between Merrell’s minimalist trail running shoes and others on the market is the wide toe and heel boxes.  The wide toe and heel boxes are to encourage your foot to find it’s natural stride by giving it plenty of room.  Stop suffocating your foot and give it the room to learn on its own.  Merrell’s Trail Glove is its medium weight minimalist trail shoe in the collection; combining an ultra-lightweight feel with all the protection needed from rocks and roots.

The upper is made of a treated synthetic leather and upper mesh.  This allows for a tight feel which fits snug against the upper part of your foot, according to Ace Ventura, like a glove!  The snug fit in the uppers is important because your foot tends to slide around in the excess room built in the lower for freedom of movement.  The Trail Glove also uses Merrell’s Omni-Fit lacing system, secured with welded TPU, to help tighten the upper more and give the glove feel.  There is a hard toe bumper that is fused on the front to provide protection against rocks and roots on the trail.  On the back Merrell put synthetic rubber fused on, this is more for stability in your heel than protection from the trail.  The Merrell representative also told me that they have a microfiber footbed treated with an antimicrobial solution that resists odor, but we’ll have to see about that.  I’ve never met a minimalist trail running shoe that didn’t stink….or maybe that’s just me…

The midsole and outsole has a 4 mm cushioning in it, just enough for a semi-soft landing while still allowing for the minimalist trail running feel.  The part I like most about the sole is the 1 mm forefoot shock absorption plant which helps maintain forefoot flexibility and protects the foot by distributing pressure.  The Trail Glove is the first minimalist trail running shoe I’ve seen that has taken into account that minimalist runners run on their toes.  In fact, Merrell also told me that they would be providing instructions on minimalist running techniques with every pair they sell of their minimalist trail running shoe collection; like a manual for a car.  I think this is a great idea because I’ve heard of too many injured runners throwing on minimalist running shoes without changing their technique and further injuring themselves.  The sole is made of a rubber compound TC-1.  What does that mean exactly?  I don’t know, but I trust any sole made by Vibram; just like I trust websites on the Internet.

Stay tuned the next couple of days as I review the other new minimalist trail shoes in Merrell’s collection.

VIP sections at Races Discrimanates Runners

Monday, January 17th, 2011

publix-georgia-marathon-vip-treatmentIn the past week I have received an email from two different races promoting their new VIP sections, Publix Georgia Marathon (formerly the ING Georgia Marathon) and the P.F. Chang’s Rock N’ Roll Marathon and Half Marathon.  At first I thought this was a good way for races to increase revenue, but then I began to think is it really necessary?  Aren’t we all runners and deserve the same amenities on race day?  Everyone runs the same distance and endures the same amount of pain after a race.  That’s what makes runners such a tightly connected group.  Why would a race want to break up the comradery of runners?  Why wouldn’t the race just improve its overall experience for all runners and attract more participants rather than charge more for a more comfortable race?  Maybe it’s because the race logistically sucks.  Read my race recap of the 2009 ING Georgia Marathon to see what I mean.  I know I’d probably be willing to pay for the VIP at this race, but that doesn’t make it right.

Here’s what you really get for the $75 VIP charge:

  • Express Packet Pick-up Line at the Expo: This race requires everyone to go to the Expo to pick up their race number.  Why?  Because they want you to buy products from the vendor booths they charge to be there.  If they would just mail race numbers instead of forcing runners to attend the Expo, then there wouldn’t be a need for express packet pick-up.
  • Reserved Race Day Parking Next to Centennial Olympic Park: If you read my race recap, I was late being dropped off to the race because of the traffic.  Then after the race I had to walk a mile back to my ride’s car because that was the closest he was able to park.  However, I don’t blame the race organizers on this, more so Atlanta’s horrible mass transit system.  There is a subway station at the start/finish which should alleviate traffic, but the problem is that the subway stations are not very convenient to where most people live and are coming from.
  • Private Restrooms: I would pay good money for this; however, shouldn’t the race organizers already have enough restrooms available?  All it takes is ordering more port-a-lets.  Its easy to estimate how many people will need to use the restroom, it’s exactly the same as the number of participants.
  • Private Gear Check: The gear check before was just a tent to put bags under.  Anyone could have taken your bag or stuff so the rule of thumb here is to not bring anything you don’t want possibly stolen.  So unless you are carrying your sweaty socks and underwear in a Gucci bag then this isn’t necessary.
  • Pre-race Continental Breakfast: Who eats right before they run a race?  I guess you could show up to the race 3 hours early, but then you wouldn’t need the reserved VIP race day parking space…
  • Free Post Race Massages: Wasn’t this always free?  Race organizers don’t even pay for this service, massage therapist do it for free to promote their business.  Just contact more massage therapist in the area so there isn’t a long wait.
  • Post Race Buffet: Isn’t Publix the headlining sponsor?  Shouldn’t this be free anyway?
  • Printable Results Available Immediately Post Race: How about automating posting results online so I can view my results on my smartphone?  I’ve seen smaller races have results and print them out within minutes of finishing.  The finishing times are all automated, so where’s the race organizers digital follow through?
  • Access to dedicated VIP Area located in the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce near the Finish Line: Is this some sort of club that politicians hang out at or something?

The P.F. Chang’s Rock N’ Roll Marathon and Half Marathon call their VIP area “The Zone.”  It gives you private transport to the start line, private parking area, fluid replacement drink, sunscreen, body glide, safety pins, and free gloves.  Really, they don’t provide safety pins for your race bib unless you are very important?  I guess everyone carrying their race bib as they run aren’t VI.  Why not just give them a scarlet letter to hold onto as well?

Overall I can’t blame these race organizers for trying to increase revenue; race organizers would operate at a huge financial loss if they actually paid the thousands of people who volunteer to help execute the event.  In this economy major sponsors are spending less money on event marketing and people are less willing to pay high race fees.  However, more people have begun running because of the poor economy.  Therefore, the solve of lost revenue from race organizers shouldn’t be VIP treatment at higher prices, it should be to increase volume of participants with better amenities and a lower prices.  I understand that there are capacity constraints because roads can only hold so many runners, but race organizers could spread out the operating time of the race; it’s not like they are paying race volunteers by the hour.  With more start waves, spread farther apart, it would also alleviate having to provide adequate amenities for 50,000 people all at one time, thus overall race experience would improve.

I understand that race organizers need to make money, but I don’t think it should be at the expense of improving their race.  Increase the pie, not your slice of runners.

Georgia Trail Running Races 2011

Thursday, January 13th, 2011

xterra-thrills-in-the-hills-trail-raceIt’s another season of trail running races in Georgia for 2011 and Dirty Spokes Productions along with XTERRA have some great trail races coming up soon.  Start the new year off on the right foot, toeing the line at the 1st Annual Dirty Spokes 8.0 Mile Trail Running Race at Heritage Park on February 5th or the classic 5th Annual XTERRA Thrills in the Hills at Fort Yargo State Park half-marathon.

The Dirty Spokes Trail Run Series begins this year at the 1st Annual Dirty Spokes 8.0 Mile Trail Running Race at Heritage Park in Watkinsville, GA or also known as Farmington, GA, on February 5th.  I’m not quite sure which town is the suburb of which town.  At any rate, these are some pretty sweet mountain biking, horseback riding (watch where you step!), and of course trail running trails, ranked #12 trail running trail in Georgia by users.  Dirty Spokes says about the race:  ‘This is a great single and double track off road running experience!  The race will start on the gravel road (required for spacing) but will soon lead into the woods.  The terrain is made up of a little big of everything, rolling hills, single track, double track, technical section (rocks, roots and tight twisty sections), creek crossings (shallow and narrow).  If you have never visited Heritage Park – do it!  The course is beautiful and offers 5-csomething for every runner truly wishing to ‘ditch the city.’  Nestled in the woods of suburban Atlanta lies a true gem.  Well groomed system of trails with gentile slopes and beautiful scenery will leave you breathless (if that doesn’t, the 8.0 miles will).  Once you descend into the woods, you forget about the city.  As a matter of fact, you will come t o know why we follow the creed ‘ditch the city.”

The race is on February 5th starting at 8:30 with packet pick-up between 7:00 and 8:00.  Register now until January 25th race entry is $30.00.  After that the price rises to $35.00 with $40.00 fee at race day.  Each runner will get a “Dri-Fit” shirt but there is no guaranteed for late entries.  Medals will be given out to the top three finishers in each age and sex category.  This is sure to be a great race and become a Dirty Spokes tradition.  Get in on the 1st Annual action!

xterra-thrills-in-the-hills-trail-racingAfter you get the trail racing taste in your mouth try the next XTERRA Georgia trail race series race Thrills in the Hills.  This is my favorite trail race in the series.  It’s at Fort Yargo State Park which is rated as the #2 best trail in the United States according to users.  There are 21K and a 42K race distances available.  Register now through February 18th for the 21K distance for $35.00, after that it’s $40.00 until February 24th, then $45.00 on race day.  The 42K is $45.00 from now until February 18th, $50.00 after that until February 24th, and $55.00 on race day.  Register here!  New to this year, Firehouse Subs of Winder will be giving away free subs to all participants of the race!  Subs are my favorite food after a trail race for sure.  If you want to read more about the race check out my race recap of the 2009 Thrills in the Hills trail race.  Or check out more 2011 trail races in Georgia.